Saturday, September 26, 2009

Spring has Sprung.

Has it been six months already since I have made a new post on this blog? My, how time flies when you are having fun.

Since I have been away, I have dealt with a couple of illness's in the family, got a new car, had the pool repainted yet again (as it cracked), a new concrete driveway put in and had two lovely visitors from the U.K.

Was great to see Tony and June (friends from way back when). She loves her flower arranging and is very good at it. They have left for Brisbane now and intend going down to Adelaide as well before going back home. Safe trip to the both of you and thank you for the MARMITE.

Anyway, back to Spring.

Everything in the garden is beautiful. Just love this time of year.

A close up of the Wisteria that is on the fence near the pool, also the same colour as the pool.

A close up of the Eremophila nivea (Emu Bush) that I also have planted in the pool area in a large tub. Similar colouring to the Wisteria and looks very good with the other things planted.