Friday, January 2, 2009

Breakkie Time.

King parrot tucking in to apples and mango.
Bourke parrot keeping a look out for danger, while the others eat.

Blue Princess parrot (male, left), Green Princess parrot (male, bottom right) and pair of Indian Ringnecks (female is green) tucking in to the seeds.
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Julie said...

What beautiful birds! So colorful. Birds have been intreguing to me lately...would like to try birdwatching and possibly trying to paint some of the little pretties!

Semlan said...

They are very beautiful! :) And what a great breakfast they get! No "regular seeds."

Rhyleysgranny said...

Such lovely colours. Even their brekkie is bright. Oh I can feel the sunshine here.

Anonymous said...

Sal your birds are beautiful, lovely pics.