Sunday, November 9, 2008

Severe water restrictions.

We have had water restrictions of one sort or another for many years now. But because of the lack of rain over this winter just past, this summer is going to be really hard on the garden. And on my arms! We have put in two smallish sized water tanks, to collect any rain water from the house roof and garage roof. But we can't use the taps outside with a hose attached, so it will be buckets and watering cans being carried around to the plants and trees.
I used to grow all sorts of plants that required a lot of water, but over the last couple of years, have changed to a more draught tolerant garden.
Like these BROMELIADS, that
only need watering around once
a month.

I am sorry, but I am not into botanical names with my plants.

So here is a small selection of pink, purple and red prickly Broms.
Have around 30 different sorts and most are throwing pups at the moment.
Goody goody, more plants.


arista said...

They're so brightly coloured - and it's great that they're such tough plants.

Anonymous said...

Sally, this is a wonderful blog. God you work very hard. I would give anything to have a garden like that. (I don't have green fingers!!!!) Fair play keep up the great work.


Anonymous said...

They have such beautiful colors!